John Mayall - Nobody Told Me - [Albums]

Albums 24-02-2019, 20:08


John Mayall - Nobody Told Me
Label Forty Below Records
Nombre de pistes 10
Genre Blues, Rock

1. What Have I Done Wrong (Featuring Joe Bonamassa)
2. The Moon Is Full (Featuring Larry Mccray)
3. Evil And Here To Stay (Featuring Alex Lifeson)
4. That's What Love Will Make You Do (Featuring Todd Rundgren)
5. Distant Lonesome Train (Featuring Carolyn Wonderland)
6. Delta Hurricane (Featuring Joe Bonamassa)
7. The Hurt Inside (Featuring Larry Mccray)
8. It's So Tough (Featuring Steven Van Zandt)
9. Like It Like You Do (Featuring Carolyn Wonderland)
10. Nobody Told Me (Featuring Carolyn Wonderland)

Informations sur l'upload
Taille115 Mo

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